
Arrival of Strangers - The Last 500 Years


As European settlement proceeded, Aboriginal people affirmed their continuing rights and concerns through speeches, petitions, and formal visits to local officials and England. Following World War II, individual human rights and group rights of minorities became important international issues. Canada increased government involvement in ensuring Canadians' welfare and strengthened the legal protection of civil rights. Aboriginal leaders, including veterans and women, pressed for the inclusion of Aboriginal perspectives in these areas. In the 1970s, Aboriginal control of Aboriginal education became a priority, as the self-government movement grew and residential schools were phased out. In 1982, Aboriginal leaders secured constitutional protection of treaty rights.

Aboriginal people have reshaped Canadian law through the pursuit of Aboriginal title to land, a legal definition of Aboriginal rights and the right to self-government. They have become forceful players on a redefined political field through national and local political associations, representation in Parliament and current treaty negotiations.

Constitution Act, 1982
Canadian Museum of Civilization, 2002-I0038-17
Constitution Act - 2002-I0038-17
During debates surrounding the patriation of the Canadian Constitution, Aboriginal political leaders insisted that Aboriginal perspectives be heard and Aboriginal rights be entrenched in the new legislation. Sections 25 and 35 of the Constitution Act, 1982, which includes the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, recognize and affirm Aboriginal and treaty rights.

Under Section 35 of the Act, the Métis are included in the constitutional definition of Aboriginal peoples, along with Indians and the Inuit. This was a major gain for the Métis, representing the first federal acknowledgement of their status as one of Canada's Aboriginal groups.

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