PRESENZA - Unlocking the Past

Casetta in Canadà
Casetta in Canadà

Canadian Sunset (Tramonto in Canada)
Canadian Sunset (Tramonto in Canada)

Sicilia a Montreal
Sicilia a Montreal

U Canada è bellu
U Canada è bellu

Cielo canadese
Cielo canadese

Luna Canadese (Canadian Moon)
Luna canadese

Matrimonio per procura, ovvero Tragedia a Montreal
Matrimonio per procura, ovvero Tragedia a Montreal

La cornacchia del Canada
La cornacchia del Canada

Italians Help Fill a Canadian Labour Shortage

Proportion of Italian immigrants who arrived in Canada
Proportion of Italian immigrants who arrived in Canada during each of the two major waves of immigration

Italian immigration to Canada did not really gain steam until the early twentieth century. From the end of the nineteenth century to the 1970s, about 650,000 Italians chose Canada as their destination. Unlike most countries, however, Canada received over two-thirds of its Italian immigrants between 1947 and the 1970s.

Poster for The Bureau of Canadian Information, c. 1920
CMC CD2004-0445 D2004-6137
Poster for The Bureau of Canadian Information, c. 1920
Source: © Canadian Pacific Railway

From the early twentieth century to the 1960s, it was the chronic shortage of labour in this young developing country that attracted Italian workers. The Canadian labour market, compared to that of Italy, offered a relatively high level of employment and income. Italian immigration to Canada was also encouraged by Canadian immigration policies, which were more liberal than those of other countries due to the labour shortage, especially after the Second World War.

Customs officer and immigrants, Pier 21, 
Halifax, Nova Scotia
CMC CD2004-0445 D2004-6138
Customs officer and immigrants,
Pier 21, Halifax, Nova Scotia

Source: © Pier 21

In 1967, new Canadian legislation restricting the number of relatives that could be sponsored and giving priority to skilled workers slowed down Italian immigration to Canada. Italy's economic recovery and its adoption of social security measures also contributed to the decline.

Passports of Italian immigrants
Photo: Steven Darby, CMC CD2004-1169 D2004-18526
Passports of Italian immigrants
Italian passport of Onarina Deganutti
Photo: Steven Darby, CMC CD2004-1169 D2004-18532
Italian passport of Onarina Deganutti
Lent by Luigi Piccini
Italian passport of Vincenzo Catania
Photo: Steven Darby, CMC CD2004-1169 D2004-18533
Italian passport of Vincenzo Catania
Lent by Vincenzo Catania