Marius Barbeau A glimpse of Canadian Culture (1883-1969)
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For more information about Marius Barbeau and his work:

Biographical Works:

GAUTHIER, Serge. Marius Barbeau: le grand sourcier, Collection les grandes figures no. 31, Montréal, XYZ éditeur, 2001, 141 p. (Romantic biography).

NOWRY, Laurence. Marius Barbeau: Man of Mana, a biography, Toronto, NC Press, 1995, 448 p. (Reference work: the most complete biography to date).

SWAYZE, Nansi. Canadian Portrait: Jenness, Barbeau, Wintemberg, The man hunters, Toronto, Clarke / Irwin, 1960, 180 p. (See the article on Marius Barbeau, pp.100-140. This biography is a good summary of the life of Marius Barbeau).

Bibliographical Works:

CARDIN, Clarisse. "Bio-bliographie de Marius Barbeau" in Hommage à Marius Barbeau, Les Archives de folklore II, publications de l'Université Laval, Montréal, Fides, 1947, p. 17 - 96.

BÉLAND, Mario. Marius Barbeau et l'art au Québec: bibliographie analytique et thématique, Outils de recherche du Célat no.1, Sainte-Foy, 2e ed., rev., corr., CELAT, 1988, 139 p.

KATZ, Israel J. "Marius Barbeau 1883-1969" in Ethnolomusicology: Journal of the Society for Musicology, vol. XIV, no. 1, January 1970, p. 129 - 142.

LANDRY, Renée. Bibliographie de Marius Barbeau, Ottawa, n.ed., (Centre canadien d'études sur la culture traditionnelle), 1969, 16 p.

OYAMA, Midori. Bibliography of the work of Marius Barbeau published in Canada since 1948, Term Paper presented to Library School of University of Ottawa, 1964, 16 p.

Selective bibliography of Marius Barbeau works:

Marius Barbeau was a most prolific author. We acknowledge more that 1,700 various publications, from simple newspaper articles to the imposing monograph of more than 700 pages. Establishing a complete list of the works of Marius Barbeau remains a daunting task that has fortunately drawn the attention of a few authors. We refer you to the works of these specialists and propose over the following pages a selective bibliography of what appear to us to be the main works of Marius Barbeau.

BARBEAU, Marius. Alaska Beckons, Toronto / Idaho, MacMillan / Caxton, 1947, 312 p.

BARBEAU, Marius. Alouette!, Montréal, Les éditions Lumen, 1946, 216 p.

BARBEAU, Marius, George MERCURE, Jules TREMBLAY and J.-E.-A. CLOUTIER. "Anecdotes populaires du Canada", first series, The Journal of the American Folk-Lore, vol. XXXIII, no. 129, (July-Sept 1920), p. 173 - 297.

BARBEAU, Marius. L'arbre des rêves, Montréal, Les éditions Lumen, 1948, 188 p.

BARBEAU, Marius. Assomption Sash, Bulletin no. 93, Anthropological series no.24, Ottawa, Department of Mines and Resources, National Museum of Canada, [1939], 51 p. (Reprinted in a facsimile edition by the National Museum of Man in 1972)

BARBEAU, Marius. Au Cœur de Québec, Montréal, Les Éditions du Zodiaque, 1934, 200 p.

BARBEAU, Marius. Aux armes, Canadiens!, s.l., Hutte canadienne des Chevaliers de Colomb, 1941, 40 p.

BARBEAU, Marius. Ceinture fléchée, Montréal, Éditions Paysana, [1945], 110 p.

BARBEAU, Marius. Chansons Populaires du Vieux Québec, Bulletin no. 75, anthropological series no.16, Ottawa, Department of mines, National Museum of Canada, [1935], 61 p.

BARBEAU, Marius and Edouard-Zotique MASSICOTTE ."Chants populaires du Canada", first series, The Journal of the American Folk-Lore, vol. XXXII, no. 123, (Jan.-March 1918), p. 1 - 89.

BARBEAU, Marius. Classification of Iroquoian Radicals with Subjective Pronominal Prefixes, Canada, memoir 46, Anthropological Series no.7, Ottawa, Department of Mines, Geological Survey, Government Printing Bureau, 1915, 30 p.

BARBEAU, Marius and Arthur BOURINOT. Come a Singing: Canadian Folk-Songs, Bulletin no.107, Anthropological series no 26, Ottawa, National Museum of Canada, King's Printer, 1947, 59 p. (Reprinted in facsimile edition by the National Museum of Man, 1973).

BARBEAU, Marius. Comment on découvrit les Indiens d'Amérique, Collection Indiens d'Amérique, vol. 1, Montréal, Librairie Beauchemin, 1966, 119 p.

BARBEAU, Marius. Les Contes du Grand-Père Sept-Heures, Montréal, Les éditions Chantecler, 1950 et 1953, 12 vols. (Collection of 49 stories in 12 brochures, creating 2 series).

BARBEAU, Marius. "Contes populaires canadiens", The Journal of the American Folk-Lore, vol. XXIX, no. 111, (Jan.-March 1916), p.1-136.

BARBEAU, Marius. "Contes populaires canadiens", second series, The Journal of the American Folk-Lore, vol. XXX, no. 115, (Jan.-March 1917), pp. 1-140.

BARBEAU, Marius, Evelyn BOLDUC and Malvina TREMBLAY. "Contes populaires canadiens", third series, The Journal of the American Folk-Lore, vol. XXXII, no. 123, (Jan.-March 1918), pp. 90-167.

BARBEAU, Marius and Pierre DAVIAULT. "Contes populaires canadiens", Seventh series, The Journal of the American Folk-Lore, vol. LIII, nos. 208-209, (April-Sept. 1940), pp. 89-190.

BARBEAU, Marius. Cornelius Krieghoff, Canadian Art Series, Toronto, The Ryerson Press, 1948, 36 p.

BARBEAU, Marius. Cornelius Krieghoff Pioneer Painter of North America, Toronto, The Macmillan Company of Canada Limited, 1934, 152 p.

BARBEAU, Marius. Cornelius Krieghoff, The Gallery of Canadian Art: I, s.l., Society for Art Publication / McClelland and Stewart Limited, 1962, 30 p.

BARBEAU, Marius. Côté The wood carver, Canadian Art Series, Toronto, The Ryerson Press, 1943, 44 p.

BARBEAU, Marius. The Downfall of Temlaham, Toronto, The MacMillan Company of Canada, Limited, 1928, 253 p.

BARBEAU, Marius. Les enfants disent, Montréal, Éditions Paysana, [1943], 90 p.

BARBEAU, Marius and Lucien OUELLET. En roulant ma boule: Deuxième partie du répertoire de la chanson folklorique française au Canada, Ottawa, Musée national de l'Homme, Musées nationaux du Canada, 1982, 753 p.

BARBEAU, Marius. Fameux Peaux-Rouges d'Amérique du Nord-Est au Nord-Ouest, Collection Indiens d'Amérique, vol. 3, Montréal, Librairie Beauchemin, 1966, 184 p.

BARBEAU, Marius and Edward SAPIR. Folk Songs of French Canada, New Haven, Yale University Press, 1925, 216 p.

BARBEAU, Marius. Folk-Songs of Old Québec , Bulletin no. 75, Anthropological series no.16, Ottawa, Department of Mines, National Museum of Canada, [1935], 72 p.

BARBEAU, Marius and Michael HORNYANSKY. The Golden Phoenix, and other French-Canadian Fairy Tales, Toronto, Oxford University Press, 1958, 144 p. (also available in Greek).

BARBEAU, Marius. Grand'Mère raconte, Montréal, Éditions Beauchemin, 1935, 101 p.

BARBEAU, Marius. Haida Carvers in Argillite, Bulletin no. 139, Anthropological Series no.38, Ottawa, Department of Northern Affairs and National Resources, National Museum of Canada, Queen's Printer, 1957, 214 p.

BARBEAU, Marius. Haida Myths, Bulletin no.127, Anthropological series no. 32, Ottawa, National Museum of Canada, Queen's printer, 1953, 417 p.

BARBEAU, Marius. Henri Julien, Canadian Art Series, Toronto, The Ryerson Press, 1947, 44 p.

BARBEAU, Marius and Juliette CARON-DUPONT. L'Homme aux trois femmes : jeu inspiré de thèmes folkloriques indiens et français en un prologue et un acte, Montréal, Édition Beauchemin, 1945, 48 p.

BARBEAU, Marius. Huron and Wyandot Mythology, Memoir 80, no.11, Anthropological Series, Ottawa, Canada Department of Mines, Geological Survey, Government Printing Bureau, 1915, 437 p.

BARBEAU, Marius. Huron-Wyandot Traditional Narratives, in Translations and Native texts, Bulletin no. 165, Anthropological Series no. 47., Ottawa, Department of Northern Affairs and National Resources, National Museum of Canada, Queen's Printer, 1960, 338 p.

BARBEAU, Marius. Il était une fois, Montréal, Éditions Beauchemin, 1935, 103 p.

BARBEAU, Marius. Indian Days in the Canadian Rockies, Toronto, The MacMillan Company of Canada Limited, 1923, 208 p.

BARBEAU, Marius. Indian Days on the Western Prairies, Bulletin 163, Anthropological Series no. 46, Ottawa, Department of Northern Affairs and National Resources, National Museum of Canada, 1960, 234 p.

BARBEAU, Marius and Grace MELVIN. The Indians speaks, Idao / Toronto, The Caxton Printer Ltd / The Macmillan Company of Canada Ltd., 1943, 117 p.

BARBEAU, Marius. J'ai Vu Québec / I have seen Québec, Québec / Toronto, Librairie Garneau Ltée / Macmillan Co. of Canada, 1957, [168 p.].

BARBEAU, Marius. Jongleur songs of old Québec, interpreted into English by Harold BOULTON and Ernest MACMILLAN, New Jersey / Toronto, Rutgers University Press / Ryerson Press, 1962, 202 p.

BARBEAU, Marius. The Kingdom of Saguenay, Toronto, The MacMillan Company of Canada, Limited, 1936, 167 p. (Special Edition prepared and distributed by Canada Steamship Lines, Limited).

BARBEAU, Marius. Louis Jobin statuaire, Montréal, Beauchemin, 1968. 147 p.

BARBEAU, Marius and Rina LASNIER. Madones canadiennes, Montréal, Édition Beauchemin, 1944, 289 p.

BARBEAU, Marius. Maître Artisans de chez nous, Collection du Zodiaque Deuxième, Montréal, Les Éditions du Zodiaque, 1942, 220 p.

BARBEAU, Marius. Medicine-men on the North Pacific Coast, Bulletin no. 152, Anthropological Series no.42, Ottawa, Department of Northern Affairs and National Resources, National Museum of Canada, Queen's Printer, 1958, 95 p.

BARBEAU, Marius. La merveilleuse Aventure de Jacques Cartier, série Documents historiques, Montréal, Éditions Albert Lévesque, 1934, 117 p.

BARBEAU, Marius. Mountain Cloud, Idaho / Toronto, The Caxton Printers Ltd / The MacMillan Company of Canada Ltd, 1944, 300 p.

BARBEAU, Marius. Mountain Cloud, London (England), Quality Press, Ltd., 1948, 223 p.

BARBEAU, Marius. Mythologie huronne et wyandotte: avec en annexe les textes publiés antérieurement, trad. de l'anglais et commentée sous la direction de Pierre BEAUCAGE, Montréal, Presses de l'Université de Montréal, 1994, 439.p. (French translation of Huron and Wyandot Mythology, 1915).

BARBEAU, Marius. Painters of Québec, Canadian Art Series, Toronto, The Ryerson Press, 1946, 50 p.

BARBEAU, Marius. Pantagruel in Canada, Mercury series, Canadian Centre for Folk Culture Studies, Paper no. 48, Ottawa, National Museums of Canada, 1984, 118 p. (Posthumous publication).

BARBEAU, Marius. Pathfinders in the North Pacific, Idaho / Toronto, The Caxton printers Ltd / The Ryerson Press, 1958, 235 p.

BARBEAU, Marius. Peaux-Rouges d'Amérique: leurs mœurs, leurs coutumes, Collection Indiens d'Amérique, vol. 2, Montréal, Librairie Beauchemin, 1965, 125 p.

BARBEAU, Marius. Québec où survit l'ancienne France, Québec, Librairie Garneau, Limitée, 1937, 175 p.

BARBEAU, Marius. Québec , where ancient France lingers, Toronto, Macmillan of Canada, c1936, 173 p.

BARBEAU, Marius. Le rêve de Kamalmouk, Collection du Nénuphar, Montréal, Fides, 1948, 231 p.

BARBEAU, Marius. Les rêves des chasseurs, Montréal, Éditions Beauchemin, 1950, 117 p.

BARBEAU, Marius and Lucien OUELLET. Le roi boit: troisième partie du répertoire de la chanson folklorique française au Canada, Ottawa, Canadian Museum of Civilizations, National Museums of Canada, 1987, 623 p. (Posthumous publication).

BARBEAU, Marius. Romancero du Canada, Toronto, The MacMillan Company of Canada Limited, 1937, 254 p.

BARBEAU, Marius. Le Rossignol y Chante: première partie du répertoire de la chanson folklorique française au Canada, Bulletin no. 175, no. 52 of the anthropological series, Ottawa, Department of Northern Affairs and National Resources, National Museum of Canada, The Queen's Printer, 1962, 485 p.
(Reprinted in 1979 with a new preface by Carmen Roy, National Museums of Canada, National Museum of Man, Ottawa, 485p.)

BARBEAU, Marius and al. Roundelays/Dansons à la Ronde, Bulletin no. 151, no. 41 of the anthropological series, Ottawa, Department Northern Affairs and National Resources, National Museum of Canada, The Queen's Printer, 1958, 104 p.

BARBEAU, Marius. Le Saguenay légendaire, Montréal, Beauchemin, 1967, 147 p.

BARBEAU, Marius. Sainte artisanes, I.: Les Brodeuses, Cahier d'art ARCA, II, Montréal, Fides, 1944,.116 p.

BARBEAU, Marius. Sainte artisanes, II.: Mille petites adresses, Cahier d'art ARCA, II, Montréal, Fides, 1946, 157 p.

BARBEAU, Marius. Le Soldat canadien chante, [Ottawa], Wartime Service of the Canadian Legion, 1940, 40 p.

BARBEAU, Marius, Ernest MACMILLAN and Duncan Campbell SCOTT, Three Songs of the West coast: recorded from singers of Nass River tribes, Canada, musical scores, Oakville, The Frederick Harris Co., 1928, 14 p.

BARBEAU, Marius. Totem Poles: Totem Poles according to Crests and Topics, vol. I, Bulletin no. 119, Anthropological series no.30, Ottawa, Department of Resources and Development, National Museum of Canada, King's Printer, 1950, 433 p. (Reprinted in 1990 with a new preface by George F. MacDonald, Canadian Museum of Civilization).

BARBEAU, Marius. Totem Poles: Totem Poles according to Location, vol. II, Bulletin no. 119, Anthropological series no.30. Ottawa, Department of Resources and Development, National Museum of Canada, King's Printer, 1950, p. 435 - 880. (Reprinted in 1990 with a new preface by George F. MacDonald, Canadian Museum of Civilization).

BARBEAU, Marius. Totem Poles of the Gitksan, Upper Skeena River, British Columbia, Bulletin no. 61, Anthropological Series no.12, Ottawa, Department of Mines, National Museum of Canada, King's Printer, 1929, 275 p.

BARBEAU, Marius. The Tree of Dreams, Toronto, Oxford University Press, 1955, 122 p.

BARBEAU, Marius. Trésor des anciens jésuites, Bulletin no. 153, série anthropologique, no.43, Ottawa, Department of the North and National Resources, National Museum of Canada, The Queen's Printer, 1957, 242 p.

BARBEAU, Marius, William BEYNON, John J. COVE and George F. MACDONALD. Tsimshian narratives I: Tricksters, shamans and heroes, vol. I, Mercury series, Directorate paper no.3, Ottawa, Canadian Museum of Civilization, 1987, 342 p. (Posthumous publication).

BARBEAU, Marius, William BEYNON, John J. COVE and George F. MACDONALD. Tsimshian narratives II: Trade and warfare, vol. II, Mercury series, Directorate paper no.3, Ottawa, Canadian Museum of Civilization, 1987, 243 p. (Posthumous publication).

BARBEAU, Marius, Viola E. GARFIELD and Paul S. WINGERT. The Tsimshian: Their arts and Music, The American Ethnological Society, vol. XVIII, New-York, J.J. Augustin publisher, 1951, 291 p

BARBEAU, Marius, Harold BOULTON and Arthur SOMERVELL. Twelve Ancient French-Canadian Folk Songs, London (England), Boosey & Co. Ltd, 1927, 39 p.